Carpet Export and Carpet Industry in Turkey

While carpet is one of the most important elements of Turkish culture, there are remarkable details about production, sale and use. Carpet produced in Turkey shows very valuable features for both Turkish users and consumers abroad. The carpet industry, which has an important place in Turkey's economic development, is reaching a more successful point with each passing day. In this respect, the realization of new investments in the carpet sector should not be considered as a surprise.

Türkiye’de halı ihracatının yaklaşık büyüklüğü yıl bazında 2 milyar dolardır. Halının yabancı tüketiciden bu denli büyük ilgi görmesi halı üreticilerinin başarısını kanıtlar niteliktedir. Her yıl dış ticaret payındaki oranını arttıran halı sektöründe Gaziantep gibi önemli şehirler sektörün itici gücü olmayı başarır. Özellikle halı sektörünün %70 kadarı Gaziantep’te bulunduğundan buradaki markaların katkısı yadsınamaz.

Carpet Production and General Outlook in Turkey

Carpet making is very important in a commercial context as well as being a traditional and cultural area for Turkey. With the increase in global demand for carpets, the total size of the carpet industry in the world has reached the level of 42 billion dollars. It is thought that the sector will reach 65 billion dollars with %4 growth until 2030.

Halı ve kilim sektörünün küresel bazda bu denli büyük olmasında en önemli üreticiler olan ABD, Çin ve Türkiye’nin payı fazladır. Sırasıyla %22,7 – %21 ve %7’lik üretim değerleri ile halı sektörüne yön veren ülkeler arasında en ciddi büyüme Türkiye için beklenir. 2030 yılına gelindiğinde Türk halıcılığının %10 civarında bir büyüme sergilemesi hedeflenmektedir.

Considering the size of the carpet industry in Turkey in 2019, it is possible to talk about a size of 3.2 billion dollars. We can state that the total size of the sector will reach 7 billion dollars in 2030, with the carpet business making a serious leap forward in Turkey. As a matter of fact, according to 2020 data, Turkey is the second largest carpet exporter after China.

Turkey's Carpet Export and Country Distribution

While Turkey is the second largest carpet exporter as of 2020, it is possible to talk about a great diversity in the countries where Turkey exports carpets. The USA takes the first place among the countries that buy carpets from Turkey. According to the data of 2020, Saudi Arabia follows the USA, which buys carpets for approximately 700 million dollars, with exports of approximately 350 million dollars. The fact that Asian and European countries buy very serious carpets after the USA is among the factors that make the Turkish carpet industry strong.

Factors Developing Carpet Export in Turkey

Although there are strong investments that ensure the success of the carpet industry in Turkey, some important developments have seriously affected the export balance. The factors listed below have succeeded in being a driving force for the Turkish carpet industry.

Technological developments

While technological developments affect almost every sector in the world, the increasing prevalence of machine-made carpet production triggers changes in this regard. Carpet exports are increasing day by day, thanks to the large amount of investments in the carpet sector in Turkey and the fact that innovative moves make themselves felt day by day.

When you consider smart carpet technology, technological transformations in stocking and all other issues, it would not be surprising that Turkey is among the sector leaders in carpets.

Considering Consumer Needs

The production of carpets that will meet the needs is realized thanks to the fact that Turkish carpet manufacturers follow the consumers closely and determine the needs and use the right production method. This supports the demand for Turkish brands. There does not seem to be an obstacle for the manufacturers, who act by taking into account these details, which support the increase in exports in the carpet industry, to be even more successful in the future.

Environmental Solutions

Turkish carpet brands, which show an approach that cares about the environment while producing carpets, have done their part in terms of sustainability. For this reason, it is likely that solutions that come to the fore in environmentalist solutions will emerge.

With the influence of the carpet culture in Turkey, completely natural carpets that will positively affect human life are produced. It would not be a surprise to explain the acceleration in sales, taking into account these issues that directly affect exports and foreign consumers.

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